Welcome to my blog

July 18, 2020

So, I've started a blog. It's been a long time coming & something I've been avoiding for a few years (seeing as I don't like writing) but as time has gone on and reflecting on the conversations I've had with friends and loved ones, I've felt the urge as of late to find a place to organise my thoughts, life lessons and passions.

For those who don't know me, my name is Keith. I'm:

  • 27, Christian & married to Adella Afadi (subscribe)
  • Half Ghanaian & half Sierra Leonean, born and currently living in London
  • A marketer who likes all things digital
  • A creative who loves tech & functional gadgets

I'll be using this space to share advice, life updates, creative work & resources (that have proved helpful in my life). Oh and tech, lot's of functional tech.

Take a look around the site, let me know if there's something you want me to share and cover & I'll see what I can do.


I'm a creative digital marketer living London. I'm into all things tech, digital and creative.


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I'm a creative digital marketer living London. I'm into all things tech, digital and creative.
